The following may sound geeky but we believe it to be true: in the future all food
will be consumed in accordance with the principle known as '80/20'. Its a very
simple model whereby 80% is vegetable and 20% meat, where the majority
of the food you eat will be locally sourced, the majority raw, wholemeal and
produced by smaller farms and industrial holdings.
Its not a diet or a New Year's resolution or a gimmick. Scientific research shows
that eating locally produced and seasonal produce is better for you and for the
But the good news is that it actually tastes better that way too. With an 80/20 diet
you learn the local (in this case, Danish) seasons, eat fresh produce full of vitamins, minerals and fibre, just as nature intended. Eating this way makes for sustainability;
research from the Agrimondeinstitute has shown that if our diet is made up of 20%
meat and 80% vegetable, there is enough food to sustain a planet with a population
of 9 million people.
While some people already eat in this way, others are working towards it but the
Danish average is still a long way off. The average Dane eats closer to a 40/60
model, ie twice as much as the recommended meat diet.
The science is simple: one cow requires one hectare of land. The same hectare is all
that is needed to grow 60 tons of carrots. Eating more vegetables means that the
land can be farmed more efficiently and there is another benefit of less cows: less
cows means less CO2 cow farts!
Eating locally produced food also takes care of the environment. Ultimately, the best
would be for us to eat from within our field of vision but we a decade or two away
from that!
will be consumed in accordance with the principle known as '80/20'. Its a very
simple model whereby 80% is vegetable and 20% meat, where the majority
of the food you eat will be locally sourced, the majority raw, wholemeal and
produced by smaller farms and industrial holdings.
Its not a diet or a New Year's resolution or a gimmick. Scientific research shows
that eating locally produced and seasonal produce is better for you and for the
But the good news is that it actually tastes better that way too. With an 80/20 diet
you learn the local (in this case, Danish) seasons, eat fresh produce full of vitamins, minerals and fibre, just as nature intended. Eating this way makes for sustainability;
research from the Agrimondeinstitute has shown that if our diet is made up of 20%
meat and 80% vegetable, there is enough food to sustain a planet with a population
of 9 million people.
While some people already eat in this way, others are working towards it but the
Danish average is still a long way off. The average Dane eats closer to a 40/60
model, ie twice as much as the recommended meat diet.
One cow = 60 tons of carrots
that is needed to grow 60 tons of carrots. Eating more vegetables means that the
land can be farmed more efficiently and there is another benefit of less cows: less
cows means less CO2 cow farts!
Eating locally produced food also takes care of the environment. Ultimately, the best
would be for us to eat from within our field of vision but we a decade or two away
from that!
80 / 20 Meal Box
Aarstiderne have made it easy for you to take the first steps towards an 80/20 diet
with the 80/20 meal box; 3 meals for 4 people with one meal with meat, one with
fish and the third is vegetarian. Cooking for the evening meal is easy but sometimes
we lack inspiration. Here Aarstiderne boxes can help and if signing up for the regular
boxes is too much then start with a single box and build up slowly.
There's nothing to loose - its good for you and its good for the planet.