Contact Us

If you have comments or ideas that you want to share with us, please do get in touch, we'd love to hear from you. We can be e-mailed at info[at]aarstiderne[dot]com.

Likewise, if you would like to contribute to this blog, whether as a writer or photographer, please contact us at the email address above or leave a comment.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi beautiful minds. Congratulations for your idea.
    My name is Giacomo De Stefano and I row and sail for a better planet, no engine, only wind and my arms, across Europe. My trip is called Man on The River.
    I recently came to Copenhagen for a speech at the European Agency for the Enviroment, check their web site.
    I think that, if you contact them, you can really do them a favor, and start a good professional partnership. They work too much and they do not have time to buy good food, jumping in the abyss of low quality food. A paradox!
    They are something like 300 almost lost souls, with a good money in their pocket and no time to spend it.
    Simply that.
    A super hug
    Be water

    1. Thank you Giacomo and good luck with your adventures!

  2. Hey! I had a question and tried emailing on the address above, but it didn't work. Is there another emailaddress i can reach you on?


    1. Hi Charline, please email us at info[at]
      Look forward to hearing from you,
      Soil to Stove


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