Sunday, 1 April 2012

Barley, hops and a beer that rocks!

Since the arrival of Aarstiderne's resident brewer in January, the taste of the first beer has been eagerly awaited. Today at the Easter market at Krogerup, Gækkebryg, the Easter brew and the first to come from the new distillery, was launched by Per Kølster himself.


Sharing the fruits of his labour with the market visitors, Per gave tours of the distilling rooms and there were plentiful supplies of Gækkebryg for tasting too.

In a word, the Gækkebryg is 'rich'. Different from industrial brews it is full bodied and overflowing with flavour, malty and sweet.

Per explained how the method used to brew this beer is different from the German traditions usually associated with lighter Easter ales: it is 'bottom fermented' and has taken time to mature and this is what makes it, as he describes it, a 'sophisticated' taste.

The newest addition to the Kølster collection, Gækkebryg represents a new chapter of brewing at Aarstiderne and there promises to be exciting times ahead. This week Per and his team have been seeding the new barley and planting the hops. There's to be a new orchard too and so we look forward to ciders joining the ales in future harvests.

There will be a chance to taste Gækkebryg again at the beer-tasting and meal events hosted by Per on 20 April and 9 June (see below for details).

(Katherine Ball)

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